Small changes everyday will get you from where you are to where you want to be.
What did 2020 do to you? How can you turn 2021 in the year of change and be the best you can?
In October 2020 I made the decision that I needed to change. I was overweight, no energy and was feeling deflated. I knew that I had to make a change. I had to take certain habits away and add new habits. I had to look at diet - exercise - mind health.
To achieve this I needed help, I knew I couldn’t do this on my own, and there was only one person I knew and trusted to take this journey with me.
My good mate is a PT so I engaged with him to design a program for me to achieve my goals. Now almost 12 months down the track, 22 kg lighter and a clearer outlook in life, I feel so much better.
This made me want more out of everything, from what and how I cooked, how I exercised, and how I celebrated life. This website is a glimpse into that journey and I hope you get inspiration from it.
Remember the first step is the hardest , change can be silent, you hardly notice it happening but when you do the feeling of accomplishment is so euphoric you’ll want to go further and further.